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NHS Right to Choose

If you’re an NHS patient registered in England and your GP refers you for an autism assessment, then you are legally entitled to select a suitable healthcare provider of your choice to bypass long wait times.


Cost Covered by the NHS


Get Assessed Quicker


Freedom to Choose Provider

What is Right to Choose?

If you live in England, you have a legal Right to Choose (RTC) an alternative provider if the current wait time is more than 18-weeks.

The NHS pays for RTC referrals, so the process will not cost you anything.

Right to Choose

Am I eligible for Right to Choose?


Registered with a GP in England (residents of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are not eligible)


Currently under an urgent or emergency (crisis) care team


In high security psychiatric services


Detained under the Mental Health Act


Detained in a secure setting, such as prison or a secure children’s home


Serving as a member of the armed forces (family members not in active service are eligible)

How can RTN Mental Health Solutions Help?

RTN Mental Health Solutions is currently accepting Right to Choose referrals for children (aged 6 to 18). 


We are aiming to offer adult assessments in the near future.

The assessment process will commence within 7-days of acceptance of your referral.

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How do I access Right to Choose?

Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to access Right to Choose:


Download and complete the relevant self-report form(s) from the below list:

a. Autism self-report for children ages 4-11

b. Autism self-report for children ages 12-15


Complete our GP letter template


Book an appointment with your GP


Print and take your self-report form(s) and completed GP letter to your GP appointment and ask for a referral for an autism assessment.


If your GP agrees to refer you, then ask them to refer you to RTN Mental Health Solutions by sending a cover letter on headed paper, completed referral form and summary care report to

The referral form can be completed online
via this link or you can download and print a copy here.


We will review your referral to confirm you meet RTC criteria and, if you do, contact you within 7-days to commence the assessment process.

If your GP does not agree to provide a referral and you still wish to access an assessment,
then please contact us via the link below to discuss options for a private assessment
(payment plans available).

In the unlikely event that your referral is not eligible for RTC, we will contact you within 7-
days to discuss whether we require more information or the reason why we cannot accept
your referral.

Why choose RTN Mental Health Solutions?


We take a patient-centred approach


Our service is accessible and thorough


We are a registered NHS provider


Our diagnostic reports are accepted by the NHS


All assessments are fully compliant with NICE guidelines


Highly qualified and experienced clinical team


We complete 400 assessments per month


We provide comprehensive diagnostic reports and recommendations

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